
October 9, 2008

-5 Bodyweight Pull-Ups;
-1 Deadlift at 95% 1RM;
-1 Weighted Pull-Up;
-1 Deadlift without the weight you used on the Pull-Up;
-1 Weighted Pull-Up with max weight;
- 5 Deadlifts without the weight used on the Pull-Up.

The idea of this workout is to alternate Deadlifts with Pull-Ups (all the pull-ups are dead hang), working up to a max weight on the pull-up, and at the same time taking plates off of the deadlift bar. Use increments of 5 pounds or 10 pounds, depending on how good you are on weighted pull-ups.
This is a max strength effort, so go slow and take enough rest between drills.

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